What are the three main types of eating disorders?

Anorexia nervosa: Eating too little because of a fear of gaining weight. Bulimia nervosa: Cycles of binge eating followed by purging behaviours like vomiting or excessive exercise. Binge-eating: Overeating without purging.

What are the warning signs of an eating disorder?

Warning signs of an eating disorder include dramatic weight loss, preoccupation with food, excessive exercise, secretive behaviour around meals, frequent trips to the bathroom after meals, and a distorted body image.

How can I support a loved one with an eating disorder?

Encourage them to seek professional help, avoid commenting on their appearance or food habits, and educate yourself about eating disorders so you can offer them informed support.

How are eating disorders diagnosed?

Eating disorders are diagnosed through a comprehensive assessment by a healthcare professional, and typically involve evaluating physical symptoms, eating behaviours, and psychological factors.

Can eating disorders be treated?

Yes, eating disorders can be treated. Treatment typically involves a combination of therapy, nutritional counselling, and medical monitoring.

Compassionate care from trusted experts

Experts at BetterPlace are highly trained mental health professionals who have treated over 50,000 patients with a range of conditions.

  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Generalized Anxiety
  • OCD
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anorexia
  • Agoraphobia
  • Panic Disorder
  • Social Anxiety
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Personality Disorders
  • Binge Eating
Patients treated
Conditions treated
Assessments administered
Dr. Sunil Mittal
Mitali Srivastava
Dr. Akul Gupta
Loveleena Sharma
Ayushi Paul

What makes our approach 'better'?

Personalised & continuous treatment

Our programs are tailor-made to suit what you need – emotionally, psychologically, and even biologically. And we help you monitor and track your progress constantly, so you are always supported and informed.

Real-time collaboration with medical staff

Since all BetterPlace clinics operate within hospitals, our elite team of mental health experts are able to collaborate in real-time with doctors and physicians, giving you a more seamless treatment experience.

Holistic and integrated care

Our approach to treatment goes beyond just medication or therapy. We build multi-modal care plans that include various therapeutic modalities, lifestyle interventions, and support services to promote long-term recovery.

Evidence-based and tech-focused

To give you an accurate and reliable diagnosis, we equip our doctors with the most advanced tools available, and incorporate the latest evidence-based treatments from around the world. We go beyond support to give you solutions.

Visiting BetterPlace? Here’s what to expect

Initial Intake Session

A 45-minute introductory session with a clinical psychologist so we can get to know you better

Psychologist briefs Doctor

A 15-minute break while your psychologist discusses your case history with our in-house psychiatrist

Have a 1:1 with an Expert

Speak to a Psychiatrist or Psychologist - depending on what works for you - to get your personalised treatment plan

Begin your Treatment

Your care at BetterPlace begins with regular progress tracking and continuous support

Transformation Stories at BetterPlace!

Start your journey
It became easier to stay on track with treatment plan

The hardest part about getting treatment for mental health is that even when things start to get better, they don’t necessarily get easier. I find it difficult just to come for appointments. What I really appreciate is how understanding the team has always been about my struggle with these simple things. Knowing I can count on them has been a true blessing

Dilip S.
I finally got a clear understanding of what is wrong

Three other doctors had diagnosed me with ADHD in few minutes, which I always felt is very random. But Dr. Akul at BetterPlace suggested I get an assessment done first before sharing a diagnosis which made me feel more comfortable. I’m really happy doctor spent so much time with me, he is so senior and still. Test results also he explained so well

Sunita P.
I never felt judged by anyone at BetterPlace

I had put on a lot of weight. Some people said maybe it’s an eating disorder but I was too ashamed to visit a doctor because judgment is always there. But a friend told me how non-judgmental BetterPlace is, and that is really true. Doctors are very good and even if i make a mistake they don’t say anything demotivating. Treatment is going amazing and i’m more relaxed

Karan R.
I can actually see my daughter getting better

I’m a data analyst who believes in hard data. My daughter was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at 13. We tried many doctors but she never clicked with any of them. She’s 20 now and I think we’ve finally found the right doctor. She seems comfortable. I am also much happier because I get regular reports and I can see how progress is happening and how my daughter is improving

Mohammad K.
It is not my fault and now I understand that

When I told my friends I have anxiety they would always say, Arrey just relax, it’s not a big deal etc. Social anxiety people say is not a real problem.  I also started thinking that and blaming myself. But at BetterPlace, doctor first explained why it happens. In my brain, in my heart, i got it and i could see, Oh, this is not my fault. I even went out for dinner after a long time. I felt nice

Mary K.
Not just my dad, the patient, but we are all feeling better

Because of dad’s schizophrenia, our family was always treated differently. People in public would stare at us if dad was acting out. Even our own relatives would avoid us. But thanks to the family therapy and support at BetterPlace, my mother, sister and I have found some peace as well. Even dad’s treatment is better. He’s taking his medicines more seriously. I am so grateful!

Harsha S.

Mental Health Partners to the prestigious National Heart Institute

Visit our Experts today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Eating disorders can develop due to a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. These may include genetics, family history, societal pressures, traumatic events, low self-esteem, and perfectionism.

A consultation a BetterPlace can cost between INR 1500-2000, depending on who you are speaking to. Please call us on +91 9773996890 for further details.

BetterPlace was created to give you correct and comprehensive care. To that end, our experts follow a very unique approach that focuses on (a) getting you an accurate diagnosis, (b) providing end-to-end evidence-backed treatment options, and (c) continuously monitoring your progress to help you recover in the shortest possible time.

At BetterPlace, we believe that there is no one approach that works for everyone. Based on the unique insights we gain about you, we tailor a unique, multi-modal treatment plan specifically for you.

Yes, you’re welcome to bring a family member or friend for support during your appointments if you’d like.

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